My Approach as a Professional Editor & Writer


My service as a professional editor & writer gives you back the time you need to do what you do best.

With clients including world-class physicians, cutting edge researchers, Wall Street stock brokers, and drivers of other demanding fields, I know that time is the most valuable resource you have. I also know that cultivating your expertise is entirely different from knowing how to write about it. 

My career as an award-winning publications director taught me to persuasively shape each piece of writing for its targeted audience. I know how to present ideas to their greatest advantage. For nearly three decades, my professional editing skills have been helping to refine, shape, and effectively deliver the messages of leaders. 

Clients include: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Partners HealthCare at Home, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Law School, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Boston Business Forward, stock brokerage firms, Massachusetts Education Financing Authority, Boston College, Northeastern University, Simmons College, The International School of Boston, New England Foundation for the Arts, and countless individual professionals.

“As a physician involved in leading-edge research, the demand for writing scientific papers, editorials, review papers, and grants is intense. I needed a writing coach, to teach me skills I didn’t learn in medical school, and also an editor, to make sure I could fulfill writing obligations on time. I found both in Jane. With the confidence I have gained from working with Jane—and her continuing support when I need it—I accept more writing assignments than ever before.”

—Harvard University Physician/Researcher

“In the fast-paced world of the stock market, I don’t have time—or frankly the interest—to add learning to write better to my ‘portfolio’ of skills. I’m good at my work because I’m dedicated to it. Jane’s editing enables me to submit reports for publication faster than ever, so I can focus on the market rather than writing. An added bonus is that, as a non-native English speaker, her corrections and suggestions make me sound like a more impressive version of myself (with a great vocabulary and perfect grammar). After years of slogging through quarterly reports, working with Jane is a game-changer.”         

                                                                    –W.F., Stockbroker

“Jane is a wonderful writing coach and editor. Both creative and pragmatic, her contributions quickly enhanced my writing style. She is also insightful, thoughtful, and incredibly easy to work with. Her editing of my quarterly reports for clients has made the process much easier for me and the product much better. Clients actually write to me to let me know that they look forward to my reports now! (I doubt many stock brokers can say that.) I used to dread writing my quarterly reports; now I look forward to our work together every quarter! I only wish I had known about her when my son could have benefitted from her tutoring.”                             

                                                                    –K.L., Stockbroker

“As a high school English teacher and aspiring writer, I sought Jane out for two reasons: for support in developing my own writing, and for new insights into how to better support my students as writers. Jane more than delivered on both counts. Her feedback was thoughtful, targeted, and inspiring. With precision, she identified both my strengths and core areas for improvement—and then provided clear instruction. Her approach included a roadmap for giving more meaningful feedback to my own students. I can’t recommend Jane highly enough. I’m so grateful for her insight, warmth, and expertise.”                                 

                                                   –Z. P., Teacher-Leader

“As a supervisor, I have to write detailed progress reports about my staff every year—and every year I dread their due date. I finally decided that my piece of mind was worth the investment in a writing coach. Jane listened to the way I approach this work and helped me uncoil old habits formed out of perfectionism and anxiety. She also offered me strategies for helping the words flow more freely. Now I hear her calm and encouraging voice in my head when I start down an old path, and shift into an easier, more effective mode for expressing my thoughts.”                 

                                 –R. R., Director, Higher Education